I have a crafter/fuser in my game. Players can then put three objects on three pads like so:
Then, they press a button or whatnot to start it. The three objects are then put into a table using GetPartsInPart() from that semi-transparent red block.
I then make sure the parts are not character parts, etc…
I have stored recipes like so:
local DiHydrogen = {"Hydrogen", "Hydrogen"}
local Water1 = {"Hydrogen", "Hydrogen", "Oxygen"}
local Water2 = {"DiHydrogen", "Oxygen"}
I then use the following formula to check if the parts in the red block are equal to the recipes above
local function AreTablesEqual(t1, t2)
if #t1 ~= #t2 then
--warn("Wasn't equal, returning false.")
return false
for i, v in ipairs(t1) do
if v ~= t2[i] then
--warn("if "..v.." is not equal to "..t2[i])
--warn("v ~= t2[i], returning false.")
return false
--warn("No problems detected. Returning true.")
return true
This ensures that we make sure the tables are equal. The problem is this entire block of code:
if AreTablesEqual(FusingPartsTable, DiHydrogen) then
warn("FusingPartsTable is equal to the Recipe for DiHydrogen!")
-- Remove the FusingParts
for i,v in pairs(InstanceFusingPartsTable) do
-- Spawn DiHydrogen
local Clone = Molecules:WaitForChild("DiHydrogen"):Clone()
Clone.Parent = ElementsPlaced
Clone.Position = Output1Part.Position + Vector3.new(0, ydisplacement, 0)
if Clone:FindFirstChild("Owner") then
Clone:FindFirstChild("Owner").Value = player.Name
(This makes sure that if they are equal, it deletes the fusing parts, and spawns the fused item and puts it on the black pad in the first image.)
I have to copy paste this for every recipe that I add, and change all of the values. How the heck do I make this more simple?
Edit: FusingPartsTable stores the names of the parts, while InstanceFusingPartsTable stores the ObjectValue of each part, so that I can destroy them when the fusing is done.