How would i export unions to blender to simplify the triangles, i have never used blender so i will look up a tutorial on it. I checked Microsoft’s 3D viewer on how many triangles one of my unions have i know how export the unions into a .obj file.
You can easily reduce the amount of triangles by using the Decimate modifier
Adding the modifier is pretty easy.
- Select your object
- Go to the modifier tab (should be a wrench icon)
- Add the Decimate modifier
From there, you can mess around with the Ratio scale. The more you scale down, the less triangles your mesh will have. Just be careful not to scale down too much as it can ruin the shape of your mesh.
When you are satisfied with what you have, just click apply
The method provided above is fairly destructive to the final shape of the mesh with minimal benefit and I wouldn’t recommend it for more complex shapes.
For example, here’s a simple Union I quickly made in Studio
Blender says that the object has 52 tris
When I apply a Decimate mod to the object set to Planar, it went from 52 faces to 16 faces, but still has 52 tris which is what Roblox imports to anyways. Less faces doesn’t mean less triangles.
Only until I increased the angle to 55 degrees did it make a difference, and that difference was just breaking the object and removing a total of 4 faces (from 52 to 48).
I’ve found that the best way to make a Union into a Meshpart is to import the Union, open up the search menu and use the Remove Doubles tool (since Unions have a lot of redundant vertexes and edges).
Then remove the redundant vertexes - in this case, the inside geometry.
And then connect the faces appropriately. You can see I reduced the total faces by more than half by not connecting the two rectangles.
And now they’re visually identical, but the Union has more than 50% redundant geometry.
Of course, this takes time and in this specific scenario, just using two Parts are better. But for much more complex shapes with repeated uses, changing your Unions into cleaner Meshparts can sometimes have a huge impact, especially when you’re in the 5000 triangle range.
Meshparts have a limit of 10,000 triangles