How to size a corner perfectly?

This’ll take a minute to explain, bear with me.

Trying to round the point where two 12 stud sidewalks meet without resizing the sidewalk.
In the above screenshot, using a cylinder piece, the sidewalk pieces aren’t resized and the cylinder perfectly fits the space.

Trying to replicate the shape of the cylinder by rotating parts & resizing them around a pivot, like the below screenshot

This then changes the width of the sidewalks, now making the corner space 10.42 studs instead of 12.

Now, you may find this trivial or suggest unions or meshes, but I’m sure there’s got to be a route to making the corner with parts without the sidewalk pieces changing shape (crucial for my game)

If anyone here better understands the math, or has any sort of idea, please do let me know as I’ve tried several routes and they’re all off by one way or another.


Have you tried using shorter parts? The no ally it should work, and also why can’t you just use a cilinders?

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you’d need the exact math to get the length of the part, it’s likely some x.xxxx size that’ll fit the space perfectly. Wondering if there’s a way to calculate that.

Cylinders are 4/4, I need 1/4 and other fractions of corners for different sections (1/8, etc). If I union’d them they wouldn’t be compatible.

Oh ok, I got what you mean, try making a part in which the center is the pivot, then multiply it and turn it by a little every time, it should work teorethically if I’m not wrong

Wouldn’t this be your solution? I’m confused about what you are asking for.

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Your corner has to start at the edge of the squared off section, so move 1/2 the width of your segments back toward each corner.
Honestly I’d use the Archimedes plugin by Scriptos. Archimedes (v3.1.9) - Roblox
You can select your squared end parts, and the plugin will add another part pivoted at the outer corner and angle it whichever direction you choose.
In your second diagram you’d have the 2 end parts, and the 5 segments in between, so 6 angles.
90/6 = 15.
Set the Archimedes tool for 15 degrees, then resize the lengths of the first copied segment down to what you need.

using a cylinder block doesn’t work for the context, needs to be made with regular parts

simple tutorial but getting the size I need is the issue here. The size the segments would need to be to perfectly fill the 12x12 stud area is some complicated decimal I can’t figure out the math for

But why can’t you use cilinders and unions? Sorry it’s jays a strange case yours

cylinders have a fixed polycount, they’re not circles they’re icositetragons which is a 15* angle per each segment. If you want to change that density, you can’t and have to opt for meshes and they’re not union compliant, which at that point is basically just making the game in blender.

I just found an incredibly time consuming method to get the math.

It involves using nodepoints and a ton of other dumb elaborate stuff.
EDIT: Scratch that, doesn’t work

The length needed for a 12* corner is 3.133 (recurring)

That’s the number I needed to find, once I’d found it I could make any 12x12 corner using it, I just wanted to know if there’s an equation to fetch that number vs. my incredibly unpractical route.

So basically you need something that si like a cilinders but has less than 15 degrees segments?

I may have an idea of how you would be able to do that, create a cilinders, take the middle of the cilinders, and make a part that is as long a d the cilinders, play around with b hot bug it is, for example if the 15 degrees segment is 1 stud and you want 7.5 degrees segments, they will be 0.5 studs I think, and rotate them of how much you need

The only thing I’ve found that works is this elaborate route, used a triangle generator to connect nodes rotated around the pivot

it works, but it’s a waste of time.

keeps the space 12x12 and fills it at any angle I’d like if I repeat that process

it’s elaborate, but it works.

in-case anyone ever has the really weird need for a quarter circle that fills a specific sized gap without changing the size of the gap, here’s my impractical route:

Start of by putting two nodes to where the center of each is the points you wish to connect, and then make a middle one to act as the pivot point.

Next, select either of the edges and rotate it around the pivot point at your chosen degree (in this example, 15 degrees)

Now, duplicate the first one and place it below

Now, use any plugin that can connect points to make triangles. I’m using Build v4. Connect those three dots to make a triangle.

This triangle will unfortunately be diagonal, so use some basic triangle math to get the ‘flat’ side at the top.

This triangle is 0.953 x 2.984, which makes the missing length 3.132. That’s the size your parts need to be so delete everything but the pivot point and make a 3.132 width piece just before the corner.

Now render this using archemedes, making the first part half of the intended angle (for me that’s 15 degrees, so 7.5)

Now, render the rest of the quarter circle at your intended degree (15*) until it fills the space.

Finally, you can clean it up and you’ll have a perfect quarter circle filling a space of your choosing without the edges of that space changing size!

And congratulations, you just followed perhaps the most niche tutorial on here.

(again, I’d rather have this as some mathematic formula I can follow, but idk how to do that)

Found a webtool that solves for length, won’t link it but you can easily find it. Exactly what I was looking for.

@Dede_4242 @Scottifly @Crazedbrick1 In-case you guys were wondering why this matters, I’ve attached an example I made with the method I found.

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Honestly I would have just used a MeshPart 1/4 circle that I could resize to whatever size.
If it had to have even sides/angles I would have just made it in Blender to suit that need.

Or you could make a 15° triangle wedge 12 studs long and make an isosceles triangle Union out of it. You could cut the end off with a 82.5° angle ( 82.5 + 82.5 + 15 = 180°) . You could place them side by side to do the 45° angled corners, or 30­° and 60° degree corners.

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