How to skin a dynamic head?

I’m new to 3d modeling and want to make a dynamic head with a mesh that I have. I followed a tutorial of taking the file, importing my custom head, joining it to the default head then deleting the default head, selecting my custom head and the armature then clicking “with automatic weights” and keep transform, deleting the face organs, deleting the bones for those parts, then exporting as fbx.
But when I try to upload as a Head asset to ugc I get the error Missing Skinning Data for Head.MeshId. Any help with this is appreciated

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Could you elaborate please? Because I’m having the same issue as him, and this didn’t help me.

useless ahh mofo
I’m pretty sure that everyone trying to upload heads has read the documentation, this doesn’t help
we’re asking for a solution worded by someone that has one, not to read a book that didn’t work in the first place

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Ok I think I might know what the problem could be…
A. you have the bones but not the FACS Data.
B. you are missing the face bones (and the FACS Data)

The skinning data I’m assuming refers to the FACS ( Facial Action Coding System )
I watched this tutorial and in the description there is a link to download the Roblox validation tool (that they for some reason removed from the docs.) and it includes a FACS Data checker.

Let me know if this helps!