It does not contain a humanoid object.
The problem is that if i un-anchor the body part, it would start sliding around as if the legs pulled it somewhere. I tried making a custom character controller with an un-anchored cube and move it with BodyVelocity. That worked well but as I said, if i un-anchored the spider’s body to move it using BodyVelocity, it would start sliding around. I don’t think I could control a character using TweenService because it moves the object depending on time and not speed. Is there any way to smoothly move an anchored object without using TweenService? I think it would be difficult to control a character using lerp(). Or how would I make the spider stop sliding around when I unanchor it?
why not rig the spider and put a humanoid its much simpler that way and since the spider doesnt have a head then just add a invisible head so the game thinks this is a player? and use the animator editor to animate it?
and to stop sliding you can use custompyhsicalproperties of friction and make it high value
That’s not what I want to do. It’s a procedurally animated character that I don’t want to have humanoid. I am asking if there is any way to smoothly move it.
Keep in mind that i dont want to just move it somewhere but i want to control it using WASD, meaning TweenService would be hard to implement.
Removing Humanoid results in removing ALL HUMANOID RELATED SCRIPTS which means you will have to make a HUGE number of scripts which handle it alternatively… that would be a real headache.
example, if i were to make a spinning coin, i could do the following:
while true do
script.Parent.CFrame = script.Parent.CFrame * CFrame.FromEulerAnglesXYZ(0.1,0.1,0.1) --change those numbers to how much you want it to move/spin
wait(0.1) --waiting so my script doesn't crash
end)--ending function
if you know how to script the basics, that should give you a decent understanding. Hope i helped.