I’m trying to sort out a table called “members” in a descending order according to if they have a “vip” property or not, so I tried to do the following:
table.sort(members, function(a, b)
return a.vip ~= nil
which returns true if a has vip, and false if not(so move the member up if they have vip, else push them down).
However, trying the above I’m getting treated with the “invalid order function for sorting” error. So my question is clear, how can I order tables(in this case members) according to if a property within them exists or not?
No, a and b are dictionaries, members is an array that contains them. And when dictionaries are within an array they can be sorted when comparing properties, like in this scenario:
table.sort(members, function(a, b)
return a.coins > b.coins
but I can’t figure out how to make it work for the use case mentioned above.
table.sort(members, function(a, b)
return a.vip and not b.vip
It had problems when comparing two tables that both had their VIP values, so you need to add an extra statement that checks if b.vip doesn’t exist too.
Returning true = shift value up, false = shift value down.