How to spawn a player with rotation (straight away)?

I want to be able to spawn a player with rotation. This might seem strange at first, but I am using Egomoose’s Wallstick. That means that players can walk relative to any surface (and yes that includes rotated surfaces, hence the name ‘Wallstick’).

The issue is that at the moment, I cannot use SpawnLocations as they will always force a player to spawn upright without rotation. I believe that it is only possible to set the spawn using a SpawnLocation if I am correct.

I have yet to try to spawn player and then move it to the intended spawn position, which can be upside down. This is not the most clean solution, since I would prefer to spawn the player in the right position straight away.

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try flipping the spawn location to the way you want it or change the spawnlocation’s size to like 0.01,0.01,0.01 so that the script doesnt detect it

(wrong category i think.)

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I do not understand why this would work.

What script?

If I understand the WallStick correctly (I have never used it), you just need the players to touch the object to “stick” to it, correct? Put the spawn right up against the object, anchor it, set cancollide off, and make it really small, so the players are forced to touch that object when they spawn, thus rotating them.

Option 2:

Rotation is all perspecive. Instead of rotating the player, you can rotate the entire world, so it appears as though they are rotated, when in reality they are right side up.

just try making the part so small, you cant see it

so the sticking thing wont detect that spawn location

It is just impossible, since you can only use a ‘SpawnLocation’ as a ‘Player.RespawnLocation’. This is the best solution that would work for me. It kind of pains me that you cannot respawn a player with a CFrame like Player:LoadCharacter(SpawnPoint: CFrame).