How to spawn in cockpit

Hi is there a way I can spawn inside of the cockpit in the seat. Currently I’m working on a mouse over.


Maybe put in a SpawnPoint (i think that’s the name)
Put it on where you want to spawn in the plane (make sure inside the plane).
Then in workspace remove the decal. In properties, set transperancy to 1 and switch CanCollide off.
For scripting, no sorry.

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Can you not just put the Spawn Location in the cockpit, and put it right into the seat so that when the player joins, they’re already seated?


Or maybe what @Awesomegamer50028ALT said.

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I actually tried that, it didn’t work idk if my studio is broken.

Is the plane moving? This practice only works for things that aren’t in motion.
There’s probably another solution, i’m a pretty new builder here.

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Use a script to set the humanoid’s seat to the cockpit seat when they spawn.

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