How to stop a "for i =1 ..." loop when the function was be called again?

Hey devs! I have a question :thinking:. I need to stop this loop when the function “CloseAll” was be called again.

Here I use a bool variable to know when the function was be called again.

	local market_manager = {CancelPage = false}
	function market_manager:CloseAll()
			market_manager.CancelPage = true
			market_manager.CancelPage = false
			for i = 1, #market_folder do
				if market_manager.CancelPage then

I want to know if is a good idea to do like that?:thinking: Anyone have any suggestion to do?:yum:

And just for information, what’s the best of “spawn” and “coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(” I never know which used.

Have you tried using a while loop?

Why use this? I need to close all market_folder function named «closed» so if I use a while loop I can’t found the functions.

You can use courotine.resume and courotine.pause as an alternative?

Make a variable x = 0 outside the function. Inside the function, increment the value: x = x + 1. Just after incrementing, make a local variable y = x. Inside the loop, check if the two variables are equal. If they are not, then break out of the loop: if x ~= y then break end.

You can toggle market_manager.CancelPage at the beginning of the function call. You’ll want it to probably default to true and then you can call the function code if not market_manager.CancelPage. Otherwise you can do nothing which means the value will be true and your old code will finish executing.

If you want it to default to false you need to set it to false again before running the function code and run it if market_manager.CancelPage.


local toggle = true
local function func()
	toggle = not toggle -- Toggle the toggle
	if not toggle then -- Toggle is true
		while true do -- Example loop, below if statement would make more sense it condition but this better explains it with the OP's situation
			if toggle then -- Toggle is true! Break the loop since the function was called
-- Call one, toggle switches to false
-- Loop starts
-- Function finishes

-- Call two, toggle switches to true
-- Function finishes
-- Loop stops

Have a global variable like

local currentThread=nil

and on every call initialize it to the coroutine of the run, and set up a break statement for when the currentThread is initialized to a different thread. You can think of coroutine.running() in the sense of an id to the thread

local currentThread=nil
function runNew()
	currentThread=coroutine.running()	-- declares this thread as current thread
	for i=1,n do
		if currentThread~=coroutine.running() then	-- Compares this thread with current thread
		-- body of loop

This is a better way of presenting the solution I proposed in my reply.

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When I put the function on the “wrap” the function wasn’t be called :thinking: In any case, I don’t see the print. Why :open_mouth:

But thank you, despite the wrap, It’s worked good:))

Oh I think I missed a little syntax that runs the coroutine


Anyway glad it worked!

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