you should have variable inside module, and functions to change it, then while’s loop Running statement will change to false and loop will stop
Also use task.wait(), it’s higher frequence and don’t buggy like old wait()
you should have variable inside module, and functions to change it, then while’s loop Running statement will change to false and loop will stop
Also use task.wait(), it’s higher frequence and don’t buggy like old wait()
there are a couple of ways…
using a while loop condition:
local condition = true
while condition do
to stop the loop, you can then set condition to false:
condition = false
or you can try using coroutines:
local thread = coroutine.create(function()
while task.wait(1) do
and then you can close it later:
coroutine.close(thread) --closes the thread and puts it in a dead state.
Hope this helps!
corountines are pretty much unnecesary, condition will do on it’s own
yeah but might aswell tell him coroutines exist.
But yeah condition fits perfectly here.
I don’t really understand what coroutines are. Why shouldn’t they be used here?
pretty much, they shouldn’t, corountines are multi-thread, dev king made tutorial about them, stick to conditions, they are more efficient
OK, thank you. I would try to put it while I can. Just need to test it a little
I have a problem. How can I pass this variable to another script?
if you are using modules, you can make:
function module:StopDamage() condition = false end
I do not quite understand. I put a variable in a function, but I want this variable to be changeable in localscript
function module.Distrese(name)
if module[name] then
local condition = true
clone.Name = module[name].Name
clone.Image = module[name].Image
clone.Parent = Player.PlayerGui.Diseases.DiseasesFrame
Description.Text = module[name].Description
while condition do
if module[name].Vibration == true then
if vibrating == nil then
vibrating = RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(function()
character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame *, 0,0) --anglemath.sin(velocitytick())
vibrating = nil
never put damage on the client side!!! it will not affect player at all!
you should create module on the server and listener that will have all player’s with effect of damage in list, then module would have 2 methoods:
function module:DealDamage()
-- code to deal damage if player is in player's list
function module:RemovePlayerEffect(plr:String)
module.PlayerList[plr] = nil -- removes player from list, soo first function will not take him to damage list
How can I check if a player is on the list?
I made tutorial about lua, in 8th tutorial at the very end you have example of trick to make that:
Just a question, is the “function” that you want to stop the RunService.RenderStepped?
Excuse me, but I honestly didn’t understand very much. If it’s not difficult for you, explain what I did wrong. I didn’t damage the player
Uhhh, simply, you have function that do something in while loop, and you want to stop this loop in specific case, you should create second function in your module, and this function will change condition to false, soo loop will automatically stop
Thanks I got it. I’ll try to do something
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