How to Stop a Player from Loading in When they First Join

So basically all I want is to have players not load when they join. I have a role selecting gui that changes the startercharacter and when they select a role they load in, but the thing is that they automatically load in anyways, so the only way for them to change their startercharacter is by reseting and then selecting their role since they arent loaded in when they reset (I have CharacterAutoLoads off)

When you have CharacterAutoLoads off GUI wont be automatically copied to PlayerGui from StarterGui when a player is at the loading state(in which they have no character) and you should copy them manually instead. Basically setting CharacterAutoLoads to off forces you to manually perform certain actions that under normal conditions are done automatically.

I know I have the GUI working fine though even with doing it manually, but the issue is that I want the player to not load in when they first join and turning it back on doesn’t fix it