How to stop a player from walking (after changing plr.Character)

I have a simple script that changes the character, but if I changed it while walking, the old character will continue walking in the same direction forever. Here is the script

local newChar = workspace.Dummy
local oldChar = plr.Character
plr.Character = newChar

--this is for making the old character be in workspace
oldChar.Parent = workspace

How would I stop the old character from walking? I also plan on controlling the old character with a script afterwards, so simply anchoring it won’t work.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!


you can remove network ownership from the old character

Remove network ownership of every single part of the character or the humanoid root part?

I tried removing the network ownership of all the parts of the character and humanoid root part, but it did not solve the issue.

Try this

local Control = require(plr.PlayerScripts:WaitForChild("PlayerModule")):GetControls()
Control:Disable()--Disable movement
Control:Enable()--Enable movement

When do I do that?

The rig that keeps walking is no longer controlled by the player

you can try disable the control when you dont what the old character to move . tbh i dont really know if it will work but you can try it