How to stop animation after making move

Hi guys,

my question is how can I stop animation playing (in my case dancing) after player make move. I tried Animation priority core and movement but there is no change. Can someone help ?

Thank you

This topic should be in #help-and-feedback:scripting-support but anyways you want to get the AnimationTrack and call :Stop() on it.

To check if a player is moving you want to use the MoveDirection property of Humanoid and compare the magnitude to 0. If it is equal to 0 then the player is not moving and you can stop the animation as said above.

So only way to do it is through script ? That’s why I didn’t put it under scripting.

Uhm no sorry i didn’t understand your question fully sorry my bad :sweat_smile: Yes there is a way without scripting and it’s by setting the animation priority. You may reference to this AnimationTrack.Priority so if it is set to core then the animation would stop as the player moves.

Just set walking animation priority to action

I set priority to core but animation was still playing after player move

Did you make the animation with core priority or did you update it later? In the second case did you republish it?

I republished it and also when I uploaded then set second time just to be sure.
This is properties from KeyframeSequence I uploaded:

Then the only thing i can think to is that you are playing it multiple times

what do you mean multiple times ?

I mean that you are calling :Play() on the animation multiple times and so it doesn’t stop else i’m sorry but i don’t know how to help