How to stop attachment from rotating along with parent

I have a ball skin for my game which has an attachment in it for a particle effect.

Unfortunately, it’s a ball, so when it moves the attachment rotates with it.

Since it rotates, the particle effect looks horrible, so I don’t want the attachment to rotate along with the parent.

Any help is appreciated!


Change, 0, 0) to the wanted orientation

local RS = game:GetService("RunService")

	Attachment.WorldOrientation =, 0, 0)

I tried something like that before, it didn’t work then. I’ll try this right now and edit this post. One sec.

EDIT: Didn’t work. It moves too fast to update properly.

sorry to necro but it seems you never found the solution. Try running that same script locally and replace Heartbeat with RenderStepped, that should solve your issue