Hello guys. I’m making GIANT terrain island. Everything is good with exeption for one thing - when I hold WASDQE keys for too long (>3-5 sec), camera speed start increasing. This thing causes me to make not accurate lines.
Is there any way to stop camera speed increasing, I want it to have constant speed.
I’m pretty sure I saw something about that in the Studio Settings.
What exactly are you trying to do, Paint with the Terrain tools? You can Select entire areas with straight sides using the Regions tab.
I already tried to look into them, and sadly don’t found anything related to this camera behaviour.
I’m not in Studio at the moment. Did you look through all the tabs in the Settings menu?
Yes. I tried look every studio setting tab.
I searched Studio Camera Speed and came up with posts about FPS unlockers causing issues.
I don’t use any FPS unlockers. But camera speed still increading.
Using Shift + (WASD etc.) Slows down the camera movement and the speed should be constistent.
You also only answered 1 of my previous questions.
@AlexPalex178 Yes, but then the camera moves very slowly.
Thats why he can go into the settings and change the cam speed, that way even the slow cam I was talking about is faster.