for i, v in placedPartArray do -- just an array of parts
if v.Position == preview.Position then -- if part position matches the position I want
print("this value is the one I'm looking for")
if v.Position ~= preview.Position then -- if part position doesn't match the position I want
print("this value isn't it")
-- do something ONLY if the position is found
-- I have other things in this script, so deleting it isn't an option
You can use the break keyword. This will prevent a loop from continuing and will exit the loop.
You can also have a variable that checks if the position was found.
local isPositionFound = false
for i, v in placedPartArray do -- just an array of parts
if v.Position == preview.Position then -- if part position matches the position I want
isPositionFound = true
print("this value is the one I'm looking for")
break -- stops the loop and continues whatever's under it
if v.Position ~= preview.Position then -- if part position doesn't match the position I want
print("this value isn't it")
-- do something ONLY if the position is found
if isPositionFound then
-- do stuff here
-- I have other things in this script, so deleting it isn't an option