How to stop particles from dimming when close to ground

I’m facing an issue where at graphics level 8+, or editor level 16+ if you’re in studio, particles dim when close to the ground. Here is a video of said thing happening:

Here is what I want to happen

How do I stop this? I’ve tried ZOffset and LightInfulence but nothing helps.

Do you have fog or an atmosphere in your game? Maybe the decal on the ground is clipping with the particles…

You know there was this post before and we never found a solution but try what we suggested:

No, it happens even without those things unfortunatley

This is most likely a byproduct of the soft particles tech released a while back that helps a lot with fire and smoke particles, since it blends them into the background and helps provide a more realisitic result

You’d be needing an option to disable those particles from having the softening effect applied so I’d recommend making a request but I don’t think you can unless you’ve got a regular trust rank which is still currently unobtainable


Welp, that sucks. Thanks for letting me know though!