How To Stop Player Sounds From Loading?

I tried making a script that destroys the script but it doesn’t work, any ideas on how to do this?:

local function removeSoundScript(character)
	local soundScript = character:FindFirstChild("RbxCharacterSounds")
	if soundScript then

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
if player.Character then


I think you can just copy the script in play-test mode and then put it in starterplayerscripts and change it

edit: yes, you can, and you can change the script to remove sounds or use custom ones.


I did this but I like to organize my scripts in folders, and whenever I put it in a folder yes it works, but roblox automatically creates a new one since it’s not directly in starter player scripts, which makes overlapping sounds.

Hmm, I’m not sure then, because I don’t really have problems with the sounds so I can’t really help, maybe just leave the script there or something or put a script named the same thing that doesn’t have anything in it in that area, then put the modded one there once its needed.

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Didn’t think about that, kind of a smart idea. Thanks

copy the script in play-test mode and then put it in starterplayerscripts and set the properties of the script to “Disabled”