Hello. I am working on a vehicle sandbox game and I have ran into a problem: part sleeping physics. I have looked at a few open sourced modules like AlarmClock but none of them seem to work. When the game sets up the vehicle, it loops through all the parts and I put in the necessary functions to “make the parts stay awake”. When the parts stop moving, the properties window still indicates that their assemblylinearvelocity is still moving.
I cannot send a smaller place file that only has what needs to reproduce the issue, because it requires chunks of the entire game framework that is not in the neatest state right now. If I wanted to share file, then I’d basically be sharing my game that’s active and has competitors. I am sorry. Here is some context. I hope this can help out in any way.
Rocket models network ownership belongs to the player that is controlling it
The localscripts that control the rocket are inside of playergui
The main model is unanchored
The thrust uses linear velocities
Each rocket engine is its own model that is welded to the fuselage or body of the rocket
The entire rocket is made up of individual models that are welded together
Here are pictures of what the layout somewhat looks like in the explorer.
I completely forgot to reply to this post, I’m sorry! I tried to replicate the problem again, but it would not happen. This problem no longer happens to me. Again, I apologize for any unnecessary waiting.