How to stop studio from cutting off explorer names

Hi! Today when I opened up studio there seems to have been a change. Studio has started to cut of the names of items in the explorer. This would not be a problem if it was not for the fact that the little “+” does not appear when hovering over the label. I would like to know if there is any way to revert this?



Got the same thing, it’s pretty annoying. I don’t think you can do anything about it now. It’s a glitch from what I know.

You’ll have to drag the explorer to your left to make the names and the “+” button visible

That’s the only fix I can think of rn


Did u try resetting the studio settings ?

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Can’t find out what’s going on either. I checked all the possible settings, and I don’t think there’s an option for that.

How annoying, it was perfectly fine before.


same thing here, very annoying


so i tried to look for the solution and found that the issue is from roblox and i think we just need to wait and hope it gets fixed .

This needs to get fixed it is very annoying especially when some of my objects have rather long names.

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I can’t work normally. Sometimes some instances simply disappear if they have many parents. It’s very annoying. I hope this gets fixed quickly enough