How to stop text from scaling?

  1. What do you want to achieve?
    I want my text to stay the same always, no matter what.
    So when its a smaller screen the text should scale down to fit it.

  2. What is the issue?
    The text will scale up when enabling a different screen thats smaller

    Glitched(IPhone 4S screen)

  3. What solutions have you tried so far?
    Ive tried UIAspectRatio, trying to look on youtube, plugins, using TextScaled which works but not in the right way and by that I mean the text starts off big and gets smaller the more you type and trying solutions on different posts kinda similar to this

The text should go on a new line after the 1st line gets full, not sure if this is needed information

I’ve been having this issue, and my games are now supposed to be UnPhoneSupported because of this glitch.

I guess I can skip the mobile support bc anything isnt made for mobile here anyways