How to stop the client from rebuilding rigs

i made a simple ragdoll script thats server sided, it deletes every Motor6D and replaces it with a BallSocketConstraint, however on the client i find that it randomly will rebuild the original Motor6Ds of a rig. how do i prevent this from happening? it happens 100% without fail, the server view shows that there are no Motor6Ds and the ragdoll looks fine, however on my client they have their joints rebuilt and they sit without any animations played on them.

to add onto this mystery, i make it so that on the client every npc has BreakJointsOnDeath set to true now, and it’ll still end up recreating the original Motor6Ds of the npcs after about 2-3 seconds (on the client only). if anyone else has ran into a similar issue, what was a fix that you did to remedy this?

Did you change the humanoid state to ‘Ragdoll’?

the script isn’t broken, its the client behavior, on the server everything is set fine, the NPC gets ragdolled, the humanoid has its RequireNeck value set to false, and it has BreakJointsOnDeath set to false on the server. but on the client, after like 2-3 seconds of being ragdolled, it’ll randomly create a new Motor6D in every single limb replacing the ones the server script deleted for 0 reason.

Just made a demo and it works perfectly for me. I changed the state type to HumanoidStateType.Physics, used a RigidConstraint and Ballsockets. If it’s not the state type then goodluck

it wasn’t a state error, i just jerry-rigged it to constantly delete any new joints that client makes on a rig with a DescendantAdded connection, but its not efficient nor what i want. if anyone else runs into this issue and can figure out a solution link it or reply w/ it. but i have 0 clue how to deal with this LOL.

If you change the state of the Humanoid to Physics then I don’t think it’ll attempt to rebuild the rig

i tested with both Physics and Ragdoll, somehow this behavior persists with both

Does setting .Enabled to false on the Motor6Ds work?

Sorry for the bump. Did you ever solve this? I’m having the same issue

i can’t lie i forgot, looking through the code it appears i make the client on NPC death death destroy all joints, and on the server i wait a little bit before adding the ragdoll joints.

After dealing with this issue for a couple of hours, I found a fix that worked for me

If your humanoid has any of these, try deleting them. It was causing the client to rebuild the rigs when getting close, soon as I deleted them the issue stopped.