How to stop the function from looping?

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    I am trying to make a scale that show’s you how much weight you have, i have already done this but I don’t know how to make the function to do the action only once when the player touches the part not a hundered times, I also want to make that when the player steps off and back on the scale the function does the action again

Here is a clip:

i have tried searching the problem on the developer hub there were answers but I didn’t quite understand it so I made a poll talking about the EXACT problem I am having.


It is not looping, what happens here is -
You need to have a debounce, because currently it fires for every thing that touches the brick.

If you want only the player to be able to make it happen, simply add an if statement to check if it has a humanoid inside it [the parent of the part that touched], and check if he’s indeed a player.


Been trying to do that, I know it has to do with the FindFirstChild event I just don’t know how to reach humanoids parent

Humanoid:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA(“Model”) should allow you to find the player’s character, and you can check if he’s a player by looking for the character name in the Player’s Service.

So your code should look something like this:

local char = hit:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA("Model")

if char:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid") then
   if game.Players:FindFirstChild(char.Name) then
      -- What you want to do in here

Also, make sure to include a debounce in the function that detects the collision as the function can run multiple times from one actual “touch” due to character accessories and body parts.

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What did i do wrong here? Is in the local char = hit supposed to be changed with the part the player touches?

Well first of all the variable char should be within the touched event, you have included an extra “end” and you need to include a debounce.

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This should be correct but it isn’t working, unless the debounce needs to be somewhere else in the script or it is some other issue that I am not seeing.

local scalekilos = game.Workspace.Part.SurfaceGui.TextLabel
local areyoufat = game.Workspace.Part.SurfaceGui.fat
local debounce = false

       local char = script.Parent:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA("Model")
       if char:FindFirstChild( then
       if scale.Mass <= 0.5 and not debounce then
          scalekilos.Text = scale.Mass .. " kg"
          areyoufat.Text = "You are not fat"
          debounce = true
          debounce = false
       else if scale.Mass >= 0.5 and not debounce then
         scalekilos.Text = scale.Mass .. " kg"
          areyoufat.Text = "You are fat"
          debounce = true
          debounce = false
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Did exactly that, it got no errors but it doesn’t work. Here’s a vid:

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local scalekilos = game.Workspace.Part.SurfaceGui.TextLabel
local areyoufat = game.Workspace.Part.SurfaceGui.fat
local debounce = false

		if scale.Mass <= 0.5 and not debounce then
			scalekilos.Text = scale.Mass .. " kg"
			areyoufat.Text = "You are not fat"
			debounce = true
			debounce = false
		else if scale.Mass >= 0.5 and not debounce then
			scalekilos.Text = scale.Mass .. " kg"
			areyoufat.Text = "You are fat"
			debounce = true
			debounce = false
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Worked thank you, why is it though that we didn’t have to find the humanoid?

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You can add Humanoid check if you want.

local scalekilos = game.Workspace.Part.SurfaceGui.TextLabel
local areyoufat = game.Workspace.Part.f.fat
local debounce = false

	local humanoid = scale.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
	if not humanoid then return end
	local roundedMass = math.round(scale.Mass) -- Optional for rounding the number
	if roundedMass <= 0.5 and not debounce then
		scalekilos.Text = roundedMass .. " kg"
		areyoufat.Text = "You are not fat"
		debounce = true
		debounce = false
	else if roundedMass >= 0.5 and not debounce then
			scalekilos.Text = roundedMass .. " kg"
			areyoufat.Text = "You are fat"
			debounce = true
			debounce = false
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Yes but, why didnt the previous script work.

Your function isn’t looping, the BasePart.Touched() event runs everytime any parts collide. To stop functions from running over and over again one of the best solutions is a debounce
Do note I have not tested this code as I havent made the testing area but i dont see why this code wouldnt work

local debounce = false
local part = **PATH TO YOUR PART HERE**
local player = nil

	if debounce == true then return end
	local plr = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(obj.Parent) -- Returns the Player instance if obj.Parent is set as the `Character`
	if plr ~= nil then
		debounce = true
		local char = plr.Character
		player = plr
		-- Your code here

	if debounce == false then return end
	local plr = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(obj.Parent)
	if plr == player then
		debounce = false

His previous script would have still worked fine just it would have ran for any part that collides with the scale

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local Script = script
local Workspace = workspace
local Part = Script.Parent
local GuiPart = Workspace.Part
local Gui = GuiPart.SurfaceGui
local Scale = Gui.TextLabel
local Fat = Gui.fat
local Debounce = false

	if Debounce then return end
	Debounce = true
	Scale.Text = OtherPart.Mass.." KG"
	Fat.Text = if OtherPart.Mass > 0.5 then "You are fat." else "You are not fat."
	Debounce = false