Hello i’m making a horror game but my flashlight shakes in first person and makes hard to see things.
Have you tried making an animation where the flashlight is held still?
And could you also be more specific by giving us a video? I assumed that it was due to an animation, but I am not sure.
could you make an video that shows what’s happning?
it moves with walking animation
ohh okay I understand now, try making the flashlight model’s CFrame exact same as the camera CFrame but with some offset, and do this every renderstep, make sure to do this on the client script
can you give an example script?
local RunSerivce = game:GetService("RunService");
local Tool = script:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA("Tool");
local Camera = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera;
Tool.Handle.CFrame = (Camera.CFrame + Vector.new(3, -3, 0));
where should i put this script?
copy paste this script in a localscirpt and put it in the tool, you can put it anywhere as long as it’s a descendant of the tool
it makes me fly to ground so fast?
is the handle’s CanCollide turned off?
yes it makes me fly so fast
find a weld named toolweld and turn it off a the top of the script
Did you read my message?
It could be why you’re flying.
You made a mistake. It is RunService not RunSerivce.
Make sure you verify what you type before providing it…
i fixed that in the beginning.
handle have 4 welds i disabled but still doesnt work
listen, he ask for a example script, not a free model
okay a weld named RightGrip should be in the Right Arm or Right hand disable that