Hey There, I Was Making A Regestring System For A Specific Purpose,
I Used A ModuleScript And Here’s The Code In It:
local module = {}
local Parent = script.Parent
local registeredParts = {}
local Rand = Random.new()
local function getNewRandResult()
while true do
local RR = Rand:NextNumber(0, 100000000)
if registeredParts[tostring(RR)] == nil then return RR end
module.Register = function(basePart: BasePart): RegisterCode
if basePart == nil then return end
local RandRs = getNewRandResult()
registeredParts[tostring(RandRs)] = basePart
return RandRs
module.getRegisteredParts = function()
return registeredParts
module.Unregister = function(key: number)
if typeof(key) ~= "number" then return end
registeredParts[tostring(key)] = nil
return module
When I Call The Register Method From Outside, It Outputs: { [<a random number>] = TestPart }
Since The Part’s Name Was TestPart
After That, I Called The getRegisteredParts Method, Is Outputs: {}
Yes, An Empty Table, It Means That The Table Has Been Changed
When I Replaced print(registeredParts) on both the method to print(tostring(registeredParts))
So It Will Print The Memory Code For This table, And Intrestingly,
In The Register Method, It Printed Something Else Than In The getRegisteredParts Method.
I am not sure why and whose ghost is changing the table.
If Anyone Knows, Please Let Me Know, Thanks!
RandRs Is Not A Property Or Element Of registeredParts Table As You Did registeredParts.RandRs, RandRs Variable Is Only Used So Even By Chance The Random Number Doesnt Repeat Cuz That Random Number To String Is The Key To Store Data In The registeredPart Table, The getNewRandResult Method Doenst Matters At All!
Alright so I just tested your module in an empty baseplate, and it seems like you have Unregister() method being performed. Check to make sure it’s not being called.
Here’s the code I used to run your module:
local registrar = require(game.ServerScriptService.ModuleScript)
local parts = registrar.getRegisteredParts()
Ok, So, I Figured Out Something, I Was Testing, Like Registring A Part On Script1, Ok Done, And In Script2 I Was Calling wait(2) for waiting then printing the result of getRegisteredParts Method So It Will Register First On Script1 Then It Will Print After 2 Seconds on Script2, And Bingo! It Worked, I Was Looking At My Script Carefully And Noticed That The Script That Was Registering That Part Has No Actor, But The Script Calling getRegisteredParts Method Was On An Different Actor. In My Testing I Told About Above, I Put The Script2 In An Actor, And Gotcha! It Wasn’t Working Anymore. I Figured Out That These Script Are Running On Different Threads Due To Script2 Being On An Actor, I Needed That Actor To Run Task On A Different Thread. So Destroying The Actor Isnt A Solution To me. Do Any Of You Have Any Idea How And Why If Scripts Are On Different Thread, They Are Not Sharing The Same Data And How I Fix This? Please Give Your Suggestions.