How to string.find first bit of string

I am trying to make an intellisense system that uses string.find to see what keywords you are trying to type in. My problem is that if a keyword is “hello” and I type “ello” it will still come up. I want it to only come up if the string matches from the first bit of the string. For example it should only suggest the word “hello” if I start with a H. Any help is appreciated.

What I have tried:
Since string.find() returns which position it found the string, I checked if the position was 1 but it didn’t seem to work.

local AutoCompleteWords = {

local Text = "One two hel test tes"
for i,v in pairs(string.split(Text, " ")) do
	for x,c in pairs(AutoCompleteWords) do
		if v:lower() == c:lower():sub(1, string.len(v)) and v ~= c and string.len(v) < string.len(c) then
			print("suggesting: '"..v.."' ->' "..c.."' at word#: '"..i.."'")

Maybe something like this?