How to string:find() not case sensitive

I’m trying to make a chatbot, but I can’t do this because string:find() is case sensitive.
I tried


but it still doesn’t work.
Please help me.

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What exactly have you tried? Lower does work, however it is near impossible to help you with your problem unless you post the full code that doesn’t work.

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local Text = "The SomEthiNg tHing"
local TextToFilter = "Something"
Text = Text:lower()
TextToFilter = TextToFilter:lower()

local FoundAt = string.find(Text,TextToFilter)

if FoundAt then
  print("A text '",TextToFilter,"' found at ",FoundAt)
  print("Text '",TextToFilter,"' not found.")
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It’s because TextToFilter variable starts with capitalized S.
That way, when you turn Text into lowercase it won’t match because something ~= Something.

To fix this, simply replace the capitalized S in TextToFilter to lowercase s, and it will work.

Did you read completely??
Please do not reply without reading to the end.

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Oh yeah. I didn’t notice this, but calm down a little buddy. My bad. (thought that you’re the OP at first)

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	elseif script.Parent.Parent.TextBox.Text:find("noob")
		and script.Parent.Parent.TextBox.Text:find("you")
		script.Parent.Parent.TextLabel.Text = "Bot is typing..."
		script.Parent.Parent.TextLabel.Text = "I'm not noob."

Where are you calling lower?
Have you tried something like this?

local textBox = script.Parent.Parent.TextBox;


elseif textBox.Text:lower():find("noob")
	and textBox.Text:lower():find("you")
	script.Parent.Parent.TextLabel.Text = "Bot is typing..."
	script.Parent.Parent.TextLabel.Text = "I'm not noob."

is there an any way to [TextBox]:find(“text”) not case sentisive

Thank you so much! I didn’t know it’s that easy to fix.

Can you check my post?

I suggest marking the answer that helped you as a Solution.

Have a nice day, and goodluck in your projects!

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