How to stun correctly? (Combat)

I want to ask what is the best way to stun so you can follow up and get a full combo on somebody
and i want something more smooth than setting the walkspeed and jumppower to 0
and i dont want the stun call to overlap

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You could anchor the player…?

Setting walkspeed/jumppower to 0 is how you do stun correctly. You can anchor if you want but that usually messes with body movers if you want those in your combat as well, so not the best idea. There’s tons of tutorials on YouTube on how to do combat systems so just watch some of those.

You should use a sort of timer that keeps track of how long a player should be stunned. When applying new stun, it should check this value to see if it is lower or higher than the new value. If the old value is higher then you don’t want more stun to be applied (I assume this by you saying you don’t want the stun calls to overlap) and if the old value is lower than the new value, set the timer to the new value.

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