How to tag stuff in sorted order using CollectionService?

I have GUI frame called “invContainer” for storing inventory slots. Im adding new slots into it and tagging them as “InventorySlot” like that:

for i = 1, 10 do
    local newSlot = slot:Clone()
    newSlot.Name = i
    CollectionService:AddTag(newSlot, "InventorySlot")
    newSlot.Parent = invContainer

And they appear sorted but when i want to access them using print(CollectionService:GetTagged(“InventorySlot”)), they appear completly random

[1] = 9,
[2] = 8,
[3] = 7,
[4] = 5,
[5] = 10,
[6] = 4,
[7] = 6,
[8] = 3,
[9] = 2,
[10] = 1

How can i tag/access them in sorted order?