So, i have a main menu with a costomization screen where you can costomize your characters cloths, i want it so that when your done, the cloths teleport to the place you teleporting to from the main menu using pants and shirts Ids
You can pass data with a teleport using TeleportData.
Alternatively, you can use DataStoreService, you would set the clothing IDs to a key on the menu place and then get and apply them in your other place.
Hope this helps!
ive tried making my own script for it many times and it never works
What code do you have right now?
local selectButton = script.Parent
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local player = Players.LocalPlayer
local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local TeleportService = game:GetService("TeleportService")
local teleportOptions ="TeleportOptions")
local teleportData = {
Pants = character:WaitForChild("Pants").PantsTemplate
repeat wait() until script.Parent.Text ~= "Button"
if selectButton.Text == "Play" then
TeleportService:Teleport(8657574891, player, teleportData)
This is the one i have in the main menu
Its in a local script under the button you have to press
This teleport should work fine, what’s your code on the other place?
This is the one in the actual game
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local TeleportService = game:GetService("TeleportService")
local Setpants = character:WaitForChild("Pants").PantsTemplate
local teleportData = TeleportService:GetLocalPlayerTeleportData()
if teleportData then
local Pants = teleportData.Pants
Setpants = Pants
Anything in the script output?
Lemme join the game in roblox to see
My wifi isnt that good, i cant join
Ok, so it says infinite yeild possible on 'Workpsace.Coolbro11741:WaitForChild(“Pants”)
This means there is no child named “Pants” in your character.
shouldn’t teleporting players between places must be done inside server script?
How would i make that script done with a server script?
Use remote event. What you would do is
When player clicks that button. You would just do :FireServer and then inside the server script OnServerEvent, You would put the teleport codes. remember, You must put pcall when trying to teleport players.