How to teleport players correctly?

Hello, I have seen that in several games when starting a new game there is a “teleportation” of the players from the lobby to the field of the game, my question is, How can I do this teleportation correctly? Because at the moment I only achieve one I change position, but I see that in these games when they do a “good teleportation” the players have a sphere of protection when they first appear on the field of play without having died before.

Thank you

Are you talking about this?


This is a ForceField
You can set the Duration of the ForceField by using a SpawnLocation, and changing the Duration property to whatever you want.

I believe you may be talking about teleport places. What you would have to do is create a place using game explorer (you can find this under the view tab), copying the id, then creating a script that would teleport your player to the place.

Here is a great site to learn how to do this:

A smooth teleportation can be achieved without killing the players using CFrames. Take a look at this script -

local target =
for i, Player in ipairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
	if Player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("Head") then
		   Player.Character.Head.CFrame = target +, i * 5, 0)

Wow!!! How fast they are to answer, thanks for your answers I will try all :smiley: