How to tell a Roblox Gear's Genre

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I would like to know what genre a gear is on Roblox (without buying the gear).

  1. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!

I’m not sure how long ago but it seems Roblox removed the ability to see what genre a gear is. Here is the Positronic Platform Producer gear, without anything relating to genre in sight.

  1. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?

I tried to use MarketplaceService with :GetProductInfo() but I did not find anything relating to genre.

After that, you should include more details if you have any. Try to make your topic as descriptive as possible, so that it’s easier for people to help you!


You could try going into a game (that you made) where only 1 gear genre is accepted and see if you have the gear

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Playtesting in Roblox Studio seems to not spawn you with any gears you own. I also do not want to spend robux on the gears before-hand incase they do not work.

Maybe try asking the ai assistant even if i don’t think it’ll work

I mean you could test this with the egg phone its free! I hope this helps. But as @Aqua_Turneur said you could try to ask ai assistant.

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well sadly this dosen’t seem to work…

This topic is a bit old, but I have some things that I want to share that might help some people.

October last year, I wanted to show the genre and attributes in my gear testing place. However, I found that Roblox had completely hidden the values for those gears.

So, I did what any normal developer would do; I scraped every gear page that was archived on the Wayback Machine and collected the values I wanted into a ModuleScript.

Unfortunately, some gear pages were not archived before the values were removed. It’s also historical data, meaning that some values may be now outdated.

If anyone is interested, you theoretically could create multiple universes (for genres) with multiple places (for attributes) and track what gears get loaded in for the current data, but it would be slow (and expensive).


Thanks, I think this is the closest we will get to seeing gear genres again so I will mark you as the solution.

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