How to tell if animation player on server is finished from client

I play an animation on the server, but I want a way to tell if the animation has finished playing from the client.

Ideally, I don’t want to resort to remotes

Please, DON’T tell me to play the animation on the client, don’t ask me why I play it on the server. It’s played on the server, and I’m not gonna change it, don’t even suggest it.

You may want to take a look at this

Are AnimationTrack parent’s locked, if not, you could rename them and mount them in the humanoid’s animator. Then you’re local scripts can interface with it.

My only question is, is the event even fired? If not you’ll have to either use GetPlayingAnimationTracks or remotes. I’d recommend the former.

I don’t think the animation track is carried over from server to client

This property lets you determine whether or not a played “AnimationTrack” instance is either playing or not playing.

Please read the comments before giving a solution

Check on server, then FireAllClients() when “IsPlaying” changes to false.