How to test accessories???

I’m having suchhh a hard time with the roblox studio. Even just changing positions of an object is so crazy (apparently you can’t press enter to enter a value, you just click off of it?.. but half the time it doesn’t work, and then sometimes a value just never changes).

I’m just trying to figure out how to get base models of male / female in… and how to put the accessories on them to test and export the accessories… anyone might have some tips to set something like that up?


Plugins → Rig Builder. Built in Plugin by Roblox.


Ohh! That’s a big help!! Thanks.

Just making sure on the process… just move the accessory to the position to fit on the attachment part then export?

It’s so strange, when I use the rig builder… it seems to randomly place the character model into the world… so I was worried about having a strange world-space for the accessory (or does that not matter?)

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Not someone that works with accessories much so I couldn’t help you :confused:

maybe this post could help: Custom Hat/Accessory Guide for Humanoids

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I assume you are trying to attach accessories from the catalog to the rig? If so, you could open the command bar and type this in:
game:GetService('InsertService'):LoadAsset(ID):GetChildren()[1].Parent = yourDummyHere
Just replace ID with the item ID and yourDummyHere with the rig you want to give the hats to.

They aren’t from the catalog yet, they are things I’m making for potentially the catalog. So trying to insert it from just the .fbx file I have and then re-export as a proper .RBXM

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This was really helpful. Thanks a bunch.

I just still worry about the positioning of the object in world space instead of just relative to the character (which is also in a random position in the world space).

But I guess it doesn’t necessarily work that way? That once you put it on the model, it’s using purely an offset in relation to the character? It seems to be what everyone is saying at least.