I want to test my script where after someone buys premium, and they join back, their perks that they bought premium for still stay. But on studio (solo test) if I join back it doesn’t work, and I don’t actually have premium. So is there a way to test?
if the Player.MembershipType is premium, then it’s guaranteed that the perks will stay effective. It’s upon you to code it correctly by checking that
Yeah I’m pretty sure I’ve done it correctly then, may you take a look?
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
while true do
for _, Player in Players:GetPlayers() do
if Player.MembershipType == Enum.MembershipType.Premium then
Player.leaderstats.Time.Value += 2
Player.leaderstats.Time.Value += 1
Yep. This code will do the job
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just test if the code works without premium bat first, then add it behind premium
I’ve already done that, as soon as the player buys premium works. Andif they haven’t still only gives them time at 1 every second
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