How to turn player to face and walk in a new direction

I am trying to allow the user to rotate the player on the spot and change so its facing the new direction so when they press w it walks in the new direction.
In the past I have used the following
HRP.CFrame *= CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(45),0)
to turn 45 degrees left.
That turns the player but when I press w it walks and turns in the original direction.

setting Humanoid.AutoRotate to false should solve your issue
nvm forgot it will just walk in the cameras direction just without turning ignore this

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This may sound preposterous, but wouldn’t it work if you turn the Humanoid’s PlatformStand property to enabled just for a brief moment and then immediately after disable it?

You can use task.wait() to do that. Maybe that will solve the problem?

That made no difference.
I did try it and also realised that I was testing whilst the player was on the spawnpoint but moving from there also made no difference.