Hello! I am wondering how I can make the Pet Models size up when they first show up, and tween down like how the text does (in the video down below), but I am unable to figure out how to do so because if I were to do “petOneConnection:Disconnect”, then it would just stop, and go out of the camera, but since its looping then it just stays in that position, but how can I make it so it tweens with it there? If you need a better explanation I would gladly give one.
The script that makes the pets show up when it hatches
petOneConnection = runService.RenderStepped:Connect(function()
local lookPart = pet.PrimaryPart
local lookPart2 = pet2.PrimaryPart
local lookPart3 = pet3.PrimaryPart
local cf = CFrame.new(0,0,-pet.PrimaryPart.Size.Z * 2)
local cf2 = CFrame.new(-4,0,-pet.PrimaryPart.Size.Z * 2)
local cf3 = CFrame.new(4,0,-pet.PrimaryPart.Size.Z * 2)
pet:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(camera.CFrame * cf)
pet2:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(camera.CFrame * cf2)
pet3:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(camera.CFrame * cf3)
lookPart.CFrame = CFrame.lookAt(lookPart.Position, camera.CFrame.Position)
lookPart2.CFrame = CFrame.lookAt(lookPart2.Position, camera.CFrame.Position)
lookPart3.CFrame = CFrame.lookAt(lookPart3.Position, camera.CFrame.Position)
pet.Parent = camera
pet2.Parent = camera
pet3.Parent = camera
Let me give a pretty brief summary of what I am trying to accomplish.
When you open the egg, the pets show up. But instead of them just showing up, the pets would be small in size, then would tween upwards, then after a few seconds after the text on the screen displaying the pets name, etcetera, the pets would also tween down. But the issue that I am having is that whenever you try and do so, the runService is making it go back to the 0,0 position, etcetera with the other pets.
What you could do (which will hopefully look similar), is to put the camera far away from the pets (so the pets look small), and then tween the camera closer (so the pets look bigger). I think this is what @NameSpookbtw tried telling you too.