How to tween tool to position in workspace and tween back


I am trying to script a more advanced cafe system. I’d like the player to be able to equip a cup, then use (for example) an ice machine and when they use it the cup in their hand will tween to the ice machine, it will wait 3 seconds, and then tween back.

How can I achieve this?

Attached here is an example from Bakiez, at the part where they add batter and put the muffin tray inside the oven is an example of what I would like to achieve.

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The best way to do this is like so:

  1. When the player presses ‘e’, create a duplicate of the original tool’s model (This will be reffered to as ToolDuplicate) and make sure their CFrames are the same.
  2. Delete the original tool from the player and then start tweening ToolDuplicate in the position you like
  3. When the tween is done, You can add a wait or animations to the ToolDuplicate
  4. Delete ToolDuplicate and give the player a new tool with the same features as ToolDuplicate