How to unbind player movement?

I want to make a game where you move only using buttons on screen, so I need to unbind the movement buttons, but I have no idea how. I don’t even know what kind of script do I need to use, I barely know something about scripting.

You can achieve this by going into the Roblox’s movement script and changing a bit, then just copy the script and paste it into StarterPlayerScripts like this:

The video might have not yet processed btw.

This will freeze all input action including camera rotation and player movement. It also disables the onscreen joystick on mobile/iPad/tablets etc. Place this code in a LocalScript in StarterPlayerScripts.

-- Services
local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService");
local ContextActionService = game:GetService("ContextActionService");
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage");
local ServerStorage = game:GetService("ServerStorage");

-- Make the Bindable event in ReplicatedStorage,  uncomment the next line and the
-- corresponding hook at the end of the script to create a local Bindable event
-- so you can call this from elsewhere on the client
--local freezePlayerBind = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("FreezePlayer",3); -- bindable event (client->client)

-- Make the Remote event in ServerStorage and uncomment the next line, and the
-- corresponding hook at the end of the script to create a Remote event
-- so you can call this from the server
--local freezePlayerRemote = ServerStorage:WaitForChild("FreezePlayer",3); -- remote event (server->client)

-- local variables
local FreezeCount = 0;	-- counter to keep track of Freeze/Unfreeze mismatches
local FREEZE_PLAYER = "FreezePlayer";	-- constant string to bind this action to

-- this returns all ContextActions as Sink, so overrides them all until it's unbound
function actionSink()

	return Enum.ContextActionResult.Sink;


local function doFreeze()

	--  freeze user input, and hide onscreen joystick...
	UserInputService.ModalEnabled = not UserInputService.ModalEnabled;
local function undoFreeze()
	-- unfreeze user input, and show onscreen joystick...
	UserInputService.ModalEnabled = not UserInputService.ModalEnabled;
-- You should only ever call this function and nothing else in this script.
-- Do it with Bindable events or Remote events
function doFreezeAction(freeze : boolean) 
	-- request to freeze player
	if freeze == true then
		if FreezeCount == 0 then	-- if this is not zero then we have an unpaired freeze/unfreeze
			FreezeCount += 1;
			print("Freezing Action");
			warn("Un-paired Freeze detected");
	-- request to unfreeze player
	elseif freeze == false then
		if FreezeCount == 1 then -- if this is not one then we have an unpaired freeze/unfreeze
			FreezeCount -= 1;
			print("Un-Freezing Action");
			warn("Un-paired Un-freeze detected");

-- Bindable event if you want to fire from client->client

-- Remote event if you want to fire from server->client
-- EOF..

You could use what @dduck5tar said, or use this simpler version:

-- local script in StarterGUI

local playerconfig = require(game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerScripts:WaitForChild("PlayerModule"))
local ctrls = playerconfig:GetControls()

--to disable player controls

--to enable player controls
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Succinct example, I haven’t tried this method but will certainly give it a shot, Does it stand up on PC, iPhone, Tablet, and XBOX?

Not sure. I have only tested it on laptop.