How to Unlock Mouse

My CameraMode is in LockFirstMode and i cant move the Mouse its locked in the Middle.
How could i make it move?
I dont want to use Modal, how could i do the same like when Modal is activated but without Modal? I also dont want to use CameraToggle, it should be like Modal, thanks!


Switch from ‘LockFirstPerson’ to ‘Classic’?

why dont you want to use modal?

Hello! Here’s the best way to do this:
Hit play in studio, go in “PlayerScripts” (in your LocalPlayer) and copy the module called “PlayerModule”, stop the game. Paste it into StarterPlayerScripts. It should look something like this:


Now go into that Module called “BaseCamera” and do Ctrl+F. You will find a variable likely on line 13 called “FIRST_PERSON_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD”, set this value to 0. Run the game and see what happens. Please note that this method fully disables first person mouse lock. There are other alternatives you can take such as finding the function in this module called “BaseCamera:UpdateMouseBehavior()” and editing how it works.


Another alternative is editing the CameraUtils module, as you can see there are many ways to do it:

Another another alternative is tampering with UserInputService directly:

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Okay thank u i will try it now and the UserInputService dont work i tried it already

Thanks the FIRST_PERSON_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD to Value 0 worked for CameraMode Classic FirstPerson but not for CameraMode LockFirstPerson but making in BaseCamera:UpdateMouseBehavior() the Enum.MouseBehavior to Default worked. Thanks!

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