How to use built in Robux icons?

"rbxasset://textures/ui/common/robux_small.png" is the built in Robux icon.

It looks awful. I am displaying it at the native resolution of 16 x 16 and it still looks terrible.

Looks okay in my image viewer:


In game, though:


Must I reupload the icon, or am I doing something wrong?

(I have also tried using \u{E002}, but it also looked wrong.)


I experimented a bit in the studio and concluded that if you want to use “\u{E002}”, you need to use a script to display it. Additionally, it can only be used in a TextLabel or any component that uses text, not in an ImageDisplay.

If you want to achieve a format like the picture with the Robux display, you can use this simple line of code:

TextLabel.Text = tostring("\u{E002}"..1)

I hope I understood the issue you had and could help you accordingly!

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