How to use clickdetector locally?

Hi, hope youre having a good day

Well, basically, im making a game with a friend, and we need to make a door that “opens” when certain word is typed.

For that i made a GUI and a textbox, however textbox text doesnt replicate to the server, so i did a localscript

But, clickdetector.MouseClick doesnt replicate to the client ._____.

So, is there a way i can make clickdetector local? or textbox server sided?

Heres my code if you need

local text = "sputnik"
local d = game.Workspace.banco1
local p = game.Players.LocalPlayer

		p.PlayerGui.keygui.Frame.Visible = true
		if p.PlayerGui.keygui.Frame.TextBox.Text == text then
			d.CanCollide = false
			d.Transparency = 0.7
			p.PlayerGui.keygui.Frame.Visible = false
			d.CanCollide = true
			d.Transparency = 0

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You can use a remote event, and use FireClient if you want to do that

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This is false. ClickDetector.MouseClick fires off on both client and server.

EDIT: So, in order to make it local, listen for ClickDetector.MouseClick in a LocalScript and then fire a RemoteEvent.

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lol, i thought clickdetector didnt replicate to client. Becouse in server worked but client didnt

Tysm for replying, i will do that and see if works

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I think I understand what you’re trying to do here.

With the limited patch of code, I’m assuming you’re clicking on the door, and it shows a textbox that you write the password in.

What’s happening is that the moment you click the door it runs this line:
if p.PlayerGui.keygui.Frame.TextBox.Text == text then

That line is checking if what’s written inside the textbox is “sputnik” the same moment you clicked the door.

There’s a couple of ways for you to do this. Instead of instantly checking for the password (which is impossible for you to write in such a short time frame) you could add wait(3) and it’ll check for the password 3 seconds after you clicked the door, for example:

local text = “sputnik”
local d = game.Workspace.banco1
local p = game.Players.LocalPlayer

	p.PlayerGui.keygui.Frame.Visible = true
	if p.PlayerGui.keygui.Frame.TextBox.Text == text then
		d.CanCollide = false
		d.Transparency = 0.7
		p.PlayerGui.keygui.Frame.Visible = false
		d.CanCollide = true
		d.Transparency = 0



Instead of running all the code at the same time, you could add a button that reads what you wrote inside the textbox, for this you’d have inserted a button inside your GUI. Example code:

local text = “sputnik”
local d = game.Workspace.banco1
local p = game.Players.LocalPlayer

	p.PlayerGui.keygui.Frame.Visible = true
            p.PlayerGui.keygui.Frame.TextButton.Visible = true
        if p.PlayerGui.keygui.Frame.TextBox.Text == text then
	       d.CanCollide = false
	       d.Transparency = 0.7
	       p.PlayerGui.keygui.Frame.Visible = false
                   p.PlayerGui.keygui.Frame.TextButton.Visible = false
	        d.CanCollide = true
	       d.Transparency = 0


This kind of a long post, shoot any question.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that if you only run the code in a localscript, the “door” will only open for the player that put the password correctly and not the entire server, since localscripts don’t replicate to the server unless you use remoteFunctions.


thank you! with your explanation everything was much clearer for me

EDIT: it works! after cloning the code to playergui and correcting what you said, it worked! tysm