How to use DataStore2 - Data Store caching and data loss prevention

I have api access enabled and I work alone but still not showing my leaderstats and saving does not work.

I have multiple scripts in my game.
Is it ok if I do something like this?

-- script 1
DataStore2.Combine("MasterKey", "coins")
-- script 2
DataStore2.Combine("MasterKey", "lives")
-- script 3
DataStore2.Combine("MasterKey", "level")

Would all these be saved under MasterKey or would it overwrite the previous?

They would all save with each other–Combine is granular.


why is this not built into the module then?

DataStore = DataStore2("Key",Player,"MasterKey")

or something like that

Because they were mostly an afterthought. In the future combined data stores will be the default.

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I’m having some trouble with saving data.
I thought it was due to me not using combine properly but that doesn’t seem to be the case.

Does not save and does not show my leaderstats

You aren’t giving me nearly enough information to be able to help you. Please keep your replies as one post instead of repeating yourself.

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Here is my code it does not work

local DataStore2 = require(game.ServerScriptService:WaitForChild(“MainModule”))
– This line requires the Module script to allow us to utilize it’s API and functions (like :Increment(), :OnUpdate(), :Get(), :Backup(), etc.)

local defaultCoins = 10
– This variable sets the default coin value a new player will get upon joining the game for the first time.

game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) – Fires every time a player joins the game
local coinsDataStore = DataStore2(“coins”, player)
– Creates the ‘coin’ key for each player that joins the game, which can be named the same for every player as the Module Script [DataStore2()] handles making each key separate and unique for you.

local leaderstats ="IntValue", player)
leaderstats.Name = "leaderstats"

local coins ="IntValue", leaderstats)
coins.Name = "Coins"
-- Here we create the standard player values (without actually setting its value, we did that earlier with the defaultValue variable

local function coinsUpdate(updatedCoins)
    coins.Value = coinsDataStore:Get(updatedCoins)
-- This function updates the coins value

-- Once a new player joins the coinsUpdate function is fired, if no data is found on the key, then the (defaultCoins) variable we defined earlier will pass through, setting the players value to 0.

-- REMEMBER: Setting the coins value will not impact data saving, as the DataStore Value is what gets saved, the players value only reflects the value inside of the DataStore, we never fully write the players value  to the key (The DataStore2 module handles all data saving and cache writing)

-- Once the value is changed (using the module API like :Set() or :Increment()) then we use the :OnUpdate() method to fire the coinsUpdate function and update the players value to whatever the DataStore value has been updated to.


– This function runs everytime a player clicks the brick in the workspace named “CoinPart”
– Once clicked, we increment the Value saved to the Key by (15) [add 15 to whatever the value is]
local coinsDataStore = DataStore2(“coins”, player) – getting that key to write the updated value to before making the change in the player.

coinsDataStore:Increment(50, defaultCoins)
-- This changes the DataStore value, which once updated uses the :OnUpdate() method above to then change the players coin value.


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Current version of DS2, which is this;
DataStore2.rbxmx (38.9 KB)

Causes Roblox Studio to freeze for 15-25 seconds after hitting stop, and then writes this;
Not running script because past shutdown deadline (x3)
No, it’s not anything from my code, it was alright before I downloaded DS2.

This is a Roblox bug that is in the process of being fixed.

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Your code isn’t formatted correctly for me to be able to read it. Can you use code tags?

– code here

local leaderstats ="IntValue", player)
leaderstats.Name = "leaderstats"

local coins ="IntValue", leaderstats)
coins.Name = "Coins"
-- Here we create the standard player values (without actually setting its value, we did that earlier with the defaultValue variable

local function coinsUpdate(updatedCoins)
    coins.Value = coinsDataStore:Get(updatedCoins)
-- This function updates the coins value

-- Once a new player joins the coinsUpdate function is fired, if no data is found on the key, then the (defaultCoins) variable we defined earlier will pass through, setting the players value to 0.

-- REMEMBER: Setting the coins value will not impact data saving, as the DataStore Value is what gets saved, the players value only reflects the value inside of the DataStore, we never fully write the players value  to the key (The DataStore2 module handles all data saving and cache writing)

-- Once the value is changed (using the module API like :Set() or :Increment()) then we use the :OnUpdate() method to fire the coinsUpdate function and update the players value to whatever the DataStore value has been updated to.


– This function runs everytime a player clicks the brick in the workspace named “CoinPart”
– Once clicked, we increment the Value saved to the Key by (15) [add 15 to whatever the value is]
local coinsDataStore = DataStore2(“coins”, player) – getting that key to write the updated value to before making the change in the player.

coinsDataStore:Increment(50, defaultCoins)
-- This changes the DataStore value, which once updated uses the :OnUpdate() method above to then
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What’s the actual issue you are getting?

The Issues are

  • when i use this it does not show my leaderstats
  • It does not save the data whether be it on the game or studio
  • third i always get this error image
    you may know the third one.

leaderstats is not an IntValue, instead it is a folder:

local leaderstats ="Folder", player)

I can’t see where you initiated the variable CoinsDataStore. below you can see the correct way to call a datastore for an unique player. use this variable in the Increment() function.

local CoinsDataStore = DataStore2("CoinsDataStore", player) --this way you create a datastore for the player 

Read this post:

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Thank you for reminding me :smiley:

Very helpful with that “SaveInStudio” value, however, is there a “LoadInStudio” equivalent? Let’s say I already have data that has been manipulated and is no longer the original data, how would I go about emulating new player data?

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If I’m not solo in a game and I use Data:Increment(), then it will give me and the other player the same amount.

Current Code
local NewData1

	local leaderstats ="Folder")
	leaderstats.Name = 'leaderstats'
	leaderstats.Parent = Player
	local Points ="IntValue")
	Points.Name = 'Points'
	Points.Parent = leaderstats
	local DataStore2 = require(script.DataStore2)
	NewData1 = DataStore2("PointsStorage",Player.UserId)
	local function UpdatedPoints()
		Points.Value = NewData1:Get()


	Water.Transparency = 0.4

	Water.Transparency = 1

	Player.leaderstats.Points.Value = Player.leaderstats.Points.Value + Amount
	Player.leaderstats.Points.Value = NewData1:Get()

	Player.leaderstats.Points.Value = Player.leaderstats.Points.Value - Price
	Tool:Clone().Parent = Player.Backpack


I know this isn’t the best place to ask for assist, but maybe just a quick exception?

No, there is nothing like this as of yet.