How to use Emotes as animations!

Hi guys , this is my first tutorial , I ain’t experienced at posting , if you don’t like something , you can reply :slight_smile:

In this tutorial , I will show you how you can make animations using emotes !

So let’s start !

Step 1 : Get the emote id of which you want to make animation
In this step , firstly you should copy the emote ID of which you want the animation to be
You can go to Avatar Shop then choose the emote you want , then on your search bar , you will get a number , which is basically the ID !

As you can see , there’s the ID , so you should copy the ID of the emote you want
For this tutorial , I’m using this ID -

Step 2: After that , you should open Roblox Studio and add a script in workspace and write this code

local id = game.InsertService:LoadAsset(4102317848) -- Here you can use any ID you want
id.Parent = game.ReplicatedStorage

Step 3: Run the game and you should see a model inside ReplicatedStorage
Now you should open it and see an animation
After that , just copy the whole animation id and voila !

You can add an animation and add the animation id as the id we got.

After that , you can play it in humanoid

Example -

local humanoid = script.Parent.Humanoid
local animation script.Parent.Animation

Thanks for reading guys , I hope it helped or maybe you got to know this thing ! :smiley:

This was my first tutorial , feedbacks are appreciated !

Have a great time ! Bye


Very helpful for me, thank you :slight_smile:


NP, always there to help!

[I forgot about this post because it’s a long time :sweat_smile: ]


Very helpful tutorial, I was trying to find the ID for the flossing animation and this found it perfectly!

(P.S. if anyone is wondering it’s 10714340543)


Glad that it helped you! :slight_smile:

(some characters)

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What a life savior! Thank you, mate!

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No problem, I’m glad that my first ever post could help you and many people as well!

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