So first things first, let’s talk about the main command…
This will enable “Freecam” so long as you have “Developer” access to the game. If you have the Hammer icon in a game, you have access to the following features listed below.
So now that we’re in freecam… how do I use it effectively?
Keyboard Controls
We have our basic movement controls.
WASD & UHJK both act like a set of “arrows” keys to move around the camera.
W & U are forward
A & H are left
S & J are backward
D & K are right
E & I move the camera vertically up
Q & Y move the camera vertically down
The arrow keys serve their own function.
Up Arrow will move the camera faster. Down Arrow will move the camera slower.
You can see in this GIF, I held the down arrow until the camera almost stopped. And then used up arrow to speed up the camera again. W was held down the entire time in this GIF.
Mouse Controls
Hold Right Click & Move the Mouse to rotate the camera around.
Scroll Wheel can be used to change your POV. This allows for more fish eye shots or more “flat” shots. The more you scroll up, the more flat the shot becomes & also the more “zoomed in.” The more you scroll down, the more fish eye the shot becomes and more “zoomed out.”
Additional Shortcuts
These can be used at any time, whether you’re in Freecam or not. As long as you have Freecam access in a game, you get these shortcuts too!
Remove “Developer” UI
Remove Roblox (“Core”) UI
Remove “Billboard” UI - SurfaceGUIs / Nametags
Remove “Nametags” - (It’s actually removing all UI that is added to humanoids)
Controller Controls
Controllers are the best way to use freecam due to the more sensitive nature of control found via the thumbsticks & triggers. You can actively controll the pressure to change the speed of these movements.
Left Thumbstick will move the camera.
Right Thumbstick will rotate the camera.
X & Y on a controller will change the POV
Left Trigger & Right Trigger will vertically move the camera up and down.
Triggers also cancel each other out. So if holding left trigger all the way and right trigger half of the way, you will get the effect of holding left trigger half of the way. Holding both at the same time will cancel all movement.
Now you can go out shoot your shots! Piece it together with editing and you’ll have some works like these that I helped film:
And don’t forget, Freecam can be great for photos too!