How to use HttpService to return the html?

I want to use HttpService to get a word from a website for example I want to get the word “Developer” from the top left of the screen how would I do that like key information?

new to HttpService ;-;

You can’t make HTTP requests to any domain / subdomain directories.

Also response usually is an HTML response. You just need to parse the result. Try using :match

no ime trying to get defnitions from so in the gui the player types the word they want to get the definition from and it displays it

this all i got

local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local UniformResourceLocator = ""

local GetAsync = HttpService:GetAsync(UniformResourceLocator)
local Content = string.gsub(GetAsync, "content=")

You’ll either need to:

  1. find a Lua-based HTML parser library, which will allow you to fetch specific data about DOM nodes; or
  2. use another service which will provide you with a JSON API (which would be the easier option), as you can decode this in your script, and access the data from the resulting table

The final alternative is to create your own server which will act as a proxy by fetching the required website, scraping its contents, and echoing back the required data in JSON format.

What do you mean another service?

For example The only thing to be wary of when using APIs is the rate limits and request limits; e.g. WordsAPI has a maximum allowance of 2,500 requests per day on the free tier.

Obviously it’s not the only option. A quick Google search will reveal lots of Dictionary APIs, some offering better services than others for free. WordsAPI was just the first I came across.

I found found a way to get the definitions of things but I cant get the string after to print the definition

here is what i mean

local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local UniformResourceLocator = ""

local GetAsync = HttpService:GetAsync(UniformResourceLocator)
local String = string.find(GetAsync, "content=")

im trying to use string.find but that is not working

here is what its returning

content="Definition definition, the act of defining,  or of making something definite, distinct, or clear: We need a better definition of her responsibilities. See more."

i dont know how to get the bit after content=

Use this Site: First get it with GetAsync, then Decode it with JSONDecode.
I made a test game about this. When you write a word it searchs. Heres the link: