How to use Layered Clothing on a character without a Humanoid instance?

I want to be able to insert layered clothing and use it on characters without the Humanoid instance. It is very important that I do not use Humanoids.

Does anyone know if this is possible?


I am not sure If it is possible because Ive never tried. Have you?

What have you tried so far?

Also I belive you can add mesh deformations without a humanoid, you would need an animator though (I think thats what they’re called)

I have tried, but to no avail.
Animation controllers and welding to the PrimaryPart of the Model, but they don’t seem to work.

Is there a specfic reason you caont use a humanoid? Or at leas a ghost one that just handles the clothing?

I am doing my own custom character controller to remove the need of using Humanoids, given that I intend to attach a lot of parts to the Character model with CanQuery turned off, so as to remove the physics calculation of the accessories and take advantage of the performance boost of not having Humanoids in a 100+ player game.

Physics calculations cannot be turned off on parts welded to a model with a Humanoid instance, not even if CanQuery is set to false.

But I can’t find a way to use LayeredClothing on the fake player characters. I am using skinned MeshParts to mimic the beveled cube look (the smooth arms, legs and torso of the Humanoids) but I haven’t found a way to wrap LayeredClothing without a Humanoid. I’ll just scrap the idea of having NPCs and player characters with Layered Clothing, but it’d be so useful if someone knew if it was possible.

Thanks for the response btw, really appreciate it.