How to use mouse position with velocity?

Hi guys, I’d like to know how to use the mouse position with velocity to throw a part away In the direction of the mouse position, could someone help me with that?

I’m still learning… Thanks you guys :smiley:

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:thinking: Assumming that you’ve got the Mouse’s Position in the Server Script once fired, we can do:

local MouseVelocity = - MousePosition)
Part.CFrame = MouseVelocity
Part.Velocity = Part.CFrame.LookVector * 25 --Adding will increase the speed, while subtracting will decrease the speed

This is just a example though, but you can experiment around with this

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And to slow down that speed slowly with a for, how could I do that?

Do you mean a for loop to make slow this?

for i = 25, 1, -1 do
    Part.Velocity = Part.CFrame.LookVector * i 
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Thanks a lot guys, I’m going to test the code! :smiley: