How to use mouse.TargetFilter?

So how does mouse.TargetFilter work? I haven’t found any posts regarding this. If available please share it! Any help would be appreciated!

Its here on the devhub: Mouse.TargetFilter (

Like it says, say you have this script:

mouse.TargetFilter = game.Workspace.Model

When the mouse hovers over the Model then it would ignore the model and get the object behind it if there is one, by default the player object is ignored by mouse.TargetFilter

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Thanks for the help! I’ll check it out!

Had one question in mind. What does setting the instance do? Will it ignore that? Also does it detect locked objects?

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I’m not to sure but I think it doesn’t detect locked objects and setting the instance is what the mouse would ignore.

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Thanks for help! Really appreciated!

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No problem!, mark it as a solution if it helped you. :slight_smile:

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