How to use position in math.random

I would like to know how to use position in math.random, what I mean is it would loop through a folder in workspace and pick a random onem and make the position of an object the position of the random object like this

Local folder = gane.Workspace.Folder

for i, v in pairs(folder:GetChildren()) do
     -- loop through and pick a random one

game.Workspace.Object.Position = --random.Position
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--Change a and b to any number you want, make sure b is greater
local pos1 = math.random(a,b)
local pos2 = math.random(a,b)
local pos3 = math.random(a,b)
game.Workspace.Object.Position =,pos2,pos3)

If you want the position to be random again, put in in a loop.

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Well what Im going or is it will loop through a folder get a random part thats in that folder and gets its position then set the game.Workspace.Object.Position to the random objects position

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local children = folder:GetChildren() -- get a table containing all the parts in the folder

local randomChild = children[math.random(1, #children)] -- index a random part from the table

game.Workspace.Object.Position = randomChild.Position -- set object position to random child position
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